

拼版海洋舟制作完整视频 - 老方式 - 但很值得学习

这是完整的切萨皮克轻型皮划艇建筑视频,于2001年拍摄。约翰·哈里斯(John Harris)带领您完成切萨皮克16皮划艇的建造过程。 建造简单,美观,在水上具有出色的良性处理质量,全世界已经制造了8000套切塞皮克犬系列工具包,还有许多其他计划。

这里的技术表明了他们的年龄。 皮划艇套件技术从2001年开始有所发展,施工变得更加容易。 (例如,自2005年左右以来,我们一直在使用更简单的拼图接缝,而不是此处看到的围巾接缝。)

This is the complete Chesapeake Light Craft kayak building video, filmed in 2001. John Harris walks you through every step in the construction of a Chesapeake 16 kayak.  Straightforward to build, handsome, and with famously benign handling qualities on the water, 8000 Chesapeake-series kits have been built around the world, with countless more from plans. 

The techniques here are showing their age; kayak kit technology has moved on a bit from 2001 and construction has gotten easier.  (For example, since 2005 or so we've been using simpler puzzle joints rather than the scarf joints seen here..)

拼版海洋皮划艇建造过程 Duet 16 Kayak

这种皮划艇由4毫米Okoume胶合板和6盎司制成。 使用船用环氧树脂的玻璃纤维。 计划和工具包来自Watersdancing.com,用品来自Boatcraft.com。 这种皮划艇设计有木质座椅,但是,我决定使用三角洲座椅,因为它们可以轻松地前后调节,并且在需要时可以将前排座椅拆除。 这些座椅需要进行一些安装改动,并且前排座椅必须变窄才能容纳脚撑。 方向舵也来自达美航空,座椅和方向舵均购自埃德蒙顿的Boat Craft。 底部涂有额外的两层环氧/石墨层(90%/ 10%),以防磨损。 表面处理有4层Pettit 2015 Flagship Marine Varnish

This kayak is made from 4mm Okoume plywood and 6 oz. fiberglass using marine epoxy. Plans and kit are from Watersdancing.com and supplies from Boatcraft.com. This kayak was designed with wooden seats however, I decided to use the Delta seats as they can be easily adjusted fore and aft and the front seat removed if needed. These seats required some mounting modifications and the front seat had to be made narrower in order to accommodate the foot braces. The rudder is also from Delta and both seats and rudder were purchased from Boat Craft in Edmonton. Bottom was coated with two extra layers of epoxy/graphite (90%/10%) for abrasion protection. The finish has 4 coats of Pettit 2015 Flagship Marine Varnish 





艇库® ; 海划® ; Kayacool® ; Ocean Challenger®为我司注册商标。OCas为艇库Ocean Challenger Ability System技术评级的简称。ACA为美国皮划艇协会简称。

Michael 马老师
Phone: +0086 18016458059
Email: Kayacool@qq.com





Pantheon® Kayak


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